Michele Farritor McMurray is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a degree in Education; and an Historic and Naturalist Interpreter. She has served on the Board of Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and was Editor of their Quarterly Newsletter.
As a City of Colorado Springs Parks and Recreation Department Employee, she served as a Park Interpreter for the Garden of The Gods City Park. Michele is a member of the National Association of Interpreters (NAI) and is a Certified Interpretive Guide. She has keen enduring interest in researching her Farritor Genealogical roots, and enthusiastic devotion to Irish-American and Irish History.
Michele Farritor McMurray: Irish Emigration Experience “To The Waters And The Wild” will highlight the...Read More
Michele Farritor McMurray: The Ferriter DNA Project. The Ferriter DNA project is a Y DNA...Read More