From a branch of the Ferriter family that made its way to Illinois and Iowa during the middle part of the 19th century, George is a resident of Doylestown in the state of Wisonsin, USA. His was a family group that, while scattered, developed a tradition of keeping the family history alive in a sort of oral tradition. George has had a lifelong interest in Ferriter family history, both the history of the family in Ireland and of the traveling branches. He has written many short blog pieces of Seoirse Feiritear, and has presented at earlier Ferriter events on several topics. In 2015, George will make a presentation on Ferriters who served in the US Civil War. This will focus on the individuals, but also on the larger context of the Irish in this conflict. Extending from a military line, George is a veteran of the US Air Force. George's grandfather John Patrick Ferriter, and his father Charles Arthur Ferriter were career military men as veterans of WWI and WWII respectively. A retired engineer, George currently serves as Village President in Doylestown.
Speakers: George Ferriter, Jessica Clarkson, Padraig Ferriter and others. Topic: Where Do We Go From...Read More
A number of people believe they have a version of the Ferriter family Coat of...Read More
The American Civil War was a traumatic event that reverberates in the United States still...Read More
Michele Farritor McMurray: Irish Emigration Experience “To The Waters And The Wild” will highlight the...Read More
Paul McCotter: The Ferriters of Kerry. This will be a presentation about who the early...Read More