Our Speakers

Diarmaid Ferriter
Diarmaid Ferriter

Micheál de Mórdha
Micheál de Mórdha

Paul MacCotter
Paul MacCotter

George Edmond Ferriter
George Edmond Ferriter

Deirdre Nic Mhathúna, BA, PhD
Deirdre Nic Mhathúna, BA, PhD

Michele Farritor McMurray
Michele Farritor McMurray

Margaret Ferriter Campbell
Margaret Ferriter Campbell

Graham Marsden
Graham Marsden

Karina Feirtéar
Karina Feirtéar

Perry Marshall
Perry Marshall

Piaras Ferriter
Piaras Ferriter

Isabel Bennett
Isabel Bennett

2012 Ferriter Gathering Schedule

April 11-14, 2012 | Dingle, Ireland

Wednesday, April 11


4/11/2012 | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Venue: Louis Mulcahy Pottery

We are asking participants to pick up materials they will need for the gathering at the Clogher Beach location of Louis Mulcahy's Pottery Shop sometime between 2pm and 5 pm on April 11, 2012.  Those who cannot make it on this date and at this time are asked to call the notify the organizers so we can make arrangements to get your packet to you.

This is an easy-to-find location and the stop here will be an enjoyable one.  We will have a table in the upstairs cafe area where you can collect your packet that will contain the following important items:  tickets to the conference (free --but tickets should help to guarantee seating); tickets to the Ferriter Art Reception (not free but cost is kept to a minimum).   You will also learn about your group's options for a small-group, guided trek to the Castle Ferriter.  And you will get to sign up for the  'Dinner and Lore' options to take place later in the evening on this date.

One must see the Louis Mulcahy shop when coming to Ballyferriter.  Louis has been a potter for forty years.  He received an honorary degree from the National University of Ireland  in recognition of his art and his contribution to the community culture.  The cafe in the upstairs part of the shop serves local lunch fare and you may wish to stop for a bite to eat and some tea.  Items served here include:  Dingle organic salmon and Dingle Peninsula Cheeses; smoked mackerel pate with local brown bread or local seaweed bread; homemade soups, cakes, scones, and daily specials.  Irish milk and organic teas from Galway are used.  When in season, lettuce, tomatoes, and herbs are supplied by people who work in the pottery shop and cafe. 

The shop is located on R559 southwest of Ballyferriter's  town area at Clogher Beach.  You can't miss the shop as it has large pottery masks positioned beneath the palm trees --welcoming visitors.  The GPS co-ordinates for the shop are N 52 degrees 09.191'  W 010 degrees 27.260'.    The shop's phone number is 353 (0) 66 91 56229.   Please go to the website for the shop:  www.louismulcahy.com to learn more.  

See you there!

Dinner and Lore

4/11/2012 | 6:00 pm and later |

Join one of our Ferriter Gathering Hosts at a specified area pub or restaurants ( it seems that all pubs are also restaurants but not all restaurants are true pubs).  You will be accompanied at dinner by one or two local Irish Ferriter family members--or at least by someone who can tell you the stories and legends associated with Pierce Ferriter.  There really isn't one restaurant that could easily accomodate all of us, so this is a good way of getting to know some of the Irish Ferriter stories and some of the fine Irish people as well.  Reservations are initiated when you register and then these reservations are confirmed when you pick up your registration materials.  We will be assiging these somewhat randomly though special requests may be honored at the time of onsite registration on April 11th at Louis Mulcahy's shop (as available).  No fee -- but be sure that your group buys dinner for your hosts.  Be sure to show up!  You will have time to explore other restaurants during the rest of the week.  There won't be any undesirable places on the list --so come and be a part of this fun and enlightening event. 

Early to bed. Rest well-- for the Ferriter Legacy Conference is early but worth getting up early to attend.  Learn Ferriter Lore this evening and compare this to the Ferriter Facts you will learn at the conference!

Thursday, April 12

An Irish and American Welcome

4/12/2012 | 9:30 - 9:45 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

A formal welcome to the conference.  Also, an informal welcome with some comic relief.  Karina Feirtear will welcome atttendees in Irish and Graham Marsden will do so in English.  Charisma is not in short supply among some Ferriter family members such as these --- so come early enough to get a good seat and to hear these two introduce you to the conference and its speakers. 

Presented by: Karina Feirtéar and Graham Marsden

The Early Ferriters

4/12/2012 | 9:45 - 11:45 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Paul McCotter:  The Ferriters of Kerry.  This will be a presentation about who the early Ferriters were and where they came from and who they became.

Geroge Ferriter:  Piaras Feiritear--Fact and Fancy.  This talk will separate out and review the facts and the legends of the poet and rebel hero, Piaras Feiritear. 

This session will consist of two talks that explore the basis for a 'Ferriter Legacy'.  These talks will be followed by a question and answer session from the audience. 

Presented by: Paul MacCotter and George Edmond Ferriter

Settlement on the Blaskets with Reference to the Ferriters

4/12/2012 | 11:45 AM - 12:05 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Micheal de Mordha will discuss the communities and culture of the early settlers of the Blasket Islands. Additionally, he will explore what is known about the Ferriters as related to these islands, since the Blaskets were once called the Ferriter Islands. 

Presented by: Micheál de Mórdha

The Poetry of Piaras Ferriter

4/12/2012 | 1:00 PM -1:50 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Dierdre Nic Mhathuna will review the laments, eulogies, satire, and poems of praise as written by Piaras Ferriter.  She will explore the historic background, influences, structure, and language of the poems.

Presented by: Deirdre Nic Mhathúna, BA, PhD

Castle Walks Day One

4/12/2012 | 2:00 - 6:00 PM |

There is something beyond description that happens when one walks right up to the Castle Ferriter.  It is just hard to descibe --but many have felt it  To walk in the same footsteps as our ancestor, Piaras, is a powerful moment.  Then, to look over Doon Poin and see all in one turn of the head,  the crashing waves, rocky cliffs, sandy beach, lush green mountains, and distant horizon that stops where America begins--this is an experience that settles deep in the soul.  This is a highlight of the trip!

We are organizing scheduled walks to The Castle Ferriter ruin.  Many have taken this walk on their own in the past without anything being scheduled and without having anyone walk with them.  However, we have a larger group this time --and this changes things. The castle ruin lies on private property --and we must respect that.  Permission is being obtained for small groups to walk there during our gathering as a 'low profile' is least damaging, most respectful, and provides more of a personal experience.  The nearby cows will appreciate this consideration as well.  It is also a bit of a challenging though short walk.  Waterproof hiking style boots are best.  A walking stick might help.  Scarves, sweaters, hoodies, rainwear --all of that must be worn or brought with you --just in case.  There are cliffs nearby and one should not wander off too far! 

Due to considerations for safety, we need to have people only go to the castle as part of a guided small group tour.  The guides are local volunteers who know the terrain.  We are arranging to have several guided walks to the castle on Thursday and Friday between the hours of 2pm and 6pm.  Anyone wishing to walk to the castle will need to schedule this as part of the registration process which will take place on Wednesday, April 11th from 2-5 pm (drop by between those hours at the Louis Mulcahy Pottery Shop to register --it won't take long). 

You won't want to miss out on this!  Its a once in a lifetime experience (rain or shine).

Thursday Craic Night

4/12/2012 | 7:30-10:30 PM | Venue: Dingle Pub

Irish and Irish-American Music by Ferriters performing in Dingle Pub !

Dingle Pub is located on Main Street in Dingle and if you can't find it, you are not paying attention.  It stands out as a large white building with bright green trim and shamrocks as the outside decor.  It is across the street from Dingle Benner's Hotel so if you are staying there or nearby, it is not a far walk at all.  Tom Gainey is the proprietor and he himself descends from an Irish Ferriter grandmother.  His pub is also a good place to eat dinner, and it is the kind of place that will also accomodate children during the earlier hours. So come early for dinner --there is a lot to choose from ---and stay later for the music and the craic!!  (*Craic is defined as fun, entertainment, and enjoyable conversation --particularly as experienced in Ireland.)

Performers will include our multi-talented Irish Ferriter cousin, Morgan Ferriter, and the Ferriter-descendant musicians from America: Brad and Jessi Clarkson.  The combined talent is just shockingly grand, so do not miss this! Also, do join in and sing or play an instrument yourself if so inclined.  Bring the children for the early part of the evening.  They are invited to participate.  Later in the evening (after 9) --we are hoping to set up babystting arrangements at Benners--so inquire about this as time approaches.  We don't plan to go too long into the night as we want everyone to make it to the next morning's sessions of the Ferriter Legacy Conference. But we will have enough time to  experience some memories that will stay with us for a lifetime!   Bring your happy self. 

Friday, April 13

Finding Irish Roots Under American Trees

4/13/2012 | 9:30 - 10:10 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Michele Farritor McMurray:  The Ferriter DNA Project.  The Ferriter DNA project is a Y DNA study.  This talk will give an update on this project as well as an overview of how to interpret the results.

Margaret Ferriter Campbell:  Irish-American Genealogy.  A quick summary of resources and helpful tips for resarching Irish American family trees-- with particular reference to the Ferriters and affiliated families.

Presented by: Michele Farritor McMurray and Margaret Ferriter Campbell

Irish American Ferriters

4/13/2012 | 10:10 AM - 12:05 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Michele Farritor McMurray:  Irish Emigration Experience
“To The Waters And The Wild” will highlight the causes, challenges, and social struggles that Irish Emigrants to North America faced; profiling stories of Ferriters and other Dingle emigrants.

Ten Minute Break

George Ferriter:  The Story of a Bad Boy:  An Immigrant Tale of Hardship.  insight into what it took for everything to have gone wrong in the life of an Irish American who turned to crime.  George Ferriter will explore what we can learn from this story.

Presented by: Michele Farritor McMurray and George Edmond Ferriter

Keynote Address

4/13/2012 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Ireland 1890 - 2012, As Seen Through Three Generations of Ferriters

The last 120 years of Ireland's history has been quite transformative.  Diarmaid Ferriter will explore this topic as only he can.  He is sometimes called a 'celebrity historian' with good reason. He is not only the leading expert on modern Irish history, but he is a speaker who presents the material in an entertaining and memorable manner.  And, in addition to all that, he is a member of the Ferriter family.  This is a talk that is not to be missed!

Presented by: Diarmaid Ferriter

Castle Walks Day Two

4/13/2012 | 2:00 - 6:00 PM |

There is something beyond description that happens when one walks right up to the Castle Ferriter.  It is just hard to descibe --but many have felt it  To walk in the same footsteps as our ancestor, Piaras, is a powerful moment.  Then, to look over Doon Poin and see all in one turn of the head,  the crashing waves, rocky cliffs, sandy beach, lush green mountains, and distant horizon that stops where America begins--this is an experience that settles deep in the soul.  This is a highlight of the trip!

We are organizing scheduled walks to The Castle Ferriter ruin.  Many have taken this walk on their own in the past without anything being scheduled and without having anyone walk with them.  However, we have a larger group this time --and this changes things. The castle ruin lies on private property --and we must respect that.  Permission is being obtained for small groups to walk there during our gathering as a 'low profile' is least damaging, most respectful, and provides more of a personal experience.  The nearby cows will appreciate this consideration as well.  It is also a bit of a challenging though short walk.  Waterproof hiking style boots are best.  A walking stick might help.  Scarves, sweaters, hoodies, rainwear --all of that must be worn or brought with you --just in case.  There are cliffs nearby and one should not wander off too far! 

Due to considerations for safety, we need to have people only go to the castle as part of a guided small group tour.  The guides are local volunteers who know the terrain.  We are arranging to have several guided walks to the castle on Thursday and Friday between the hours of 2pm and 6pm.  Anyone wishing to walk to the castle will need to schedule this as part of the registration process which will take place on Wednesday, April 11th from 2-5 pm (drop by between those hours at the Louis Mulcahy Pottery Shop to register).  

You won't want to miss out on this!  Its a once in a lifetime experience (rain or shine). 

Ferriter Art Expo

4/13/2012 | 6:30-9:30 PM | Venue: Dingle Benners Hotel


This grand art exhibit will feature art by various Ferriters and descendants of Ferriters.  We are fortunate to have talent in our genetic and family inheritance! The spotlight will be on the art by two of our talented professional artists:  Morgan Ferriter, from Donegal,Ireland,  and Robin Baldwin, from Dade City, Florida, USA. 

We will also display art from many other artists in the Ferriter extended family.  Some of the art will be displayed on days prior to and after this exhibit. But most of it can only be seen (and purchased) during this event.  The art will line some of the halls in this hotel ---and there will  be an area for art by children of those attending our Ferriter Family Gathering. 

Bring your art--but please contact the organizers of this event early on so it can be set up well in advance of the event. We need volunteers for to help with set up (and take down)-- so please help if you can!  Frames are discouraged as the weight of the frames will not be supported by our display arrangements and hanging hooks.

There will be a brief presentation and introductions to our spotlight artists, Morgan Ferriter and Robin Baldwin.  There will be an auction of an original work that many will want to bid on!  Also, Robin Baldwin will paint a portrait of the lucky winner of our 'live art raffle'---to be painted while this event is going on!  There will be fun and frivolity, music, great food, and enjoyment of the company present as well as the varied art that is produced by our extended line of Ferriters.  Prints of some works will be available for purchase as desired.  Please note the following:

  • A special area will be set up for display of art by the children.  Children are invited to bring their art but do come a bit early to help set up the displays for their art.
  • An art auction will take place and there will be a raffle with prizes given out (including the onstage painting of some lucky winner's portrait!) 
  • Prints will be available for purchase for some of our artists's works.  
  • Please come in somewhat dressy --but not overly formal attire.  Pictures will be taken!
  • Finger foods will be served --enough to call this your dinner.  Items will include local Salmon on Brown Bread and other delights -- as well as some foods that children may prefer.  
  • We will also serve bite-size desserts.
  • Nonalcoholic Punch, coffee, and tea are included.
  • Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase at the bar located just  short distance down the hall in the hotel restaurant. 
  • Note that this is an exhibit of work by Ferriters and those who consider themselves part of the line of Ferriters.  Others may be permitted to exhibit their work, but this will be at the discretion of the organizers of this event. 

** If you wish to donate a work of art to be auctioned in exchange for admission and also to further the cause of celebrating and spreading the word about The Ferriter Legacy, please contact us by email at ferriterlegacy@gmail.com

Saturday, April 14

Final Gathering and Walk

4/14/2012 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |

We will all meet at designated location in Ballyoughtra. Then we will take a short walk to the old cemetery grounds in nearby Dunurlin.  A presentation and short ceremony will take place at the site of the ruins of a church.  We will be honoring those who came before us and we will also talk a bit about prior excavations and more work to be done at this site.  After the ceremony,  those who wish to participate may stay just a few minutes longer for the entirely optional short prayer and song.  

This event is entirely outdoors and will be held no matter what the weather has in store --though the event may be shortened if the weather is very bad.  Dress appropriately for the day's weather and wear a good pair of hiking or walking boots.  Wear layers of clothing and bring sweaters and scarves. Rainwear is advised if the weather forecast includes the chance of rain.  The grounds of the cemetery are quite uneven and this may be difficult for some to navigate without using a walking stick or cane.  Everyone is advised to take extreme care in making the short walk to the church ruins.  It will be worth the cautious walk to see where Ferriters and others from this area were buried as long ago as the 1500's. 

Friday, June 19


6/19/2015 | 2:00-5:00 pm | Venue: Louis Mulcahy Pottery

Come between 2 and 5 pm on Friday, June 19th and enjoy tea for two and a scone. Light meals are available as are desserts and scones. (Save some room for the great dinner later this night.) Here you can meet the other attendees and also purchase your dinner Friday nite and your lunches at the Blasket Center for Sat and Sunday.  You can also sign up for the walks to the castle (free-- guided walks are essential --no unguided trips to the castle please) and trips to the Blasket, etc.   If you cannot make it-- but plan to come to some of the events anyway, just message Margaret Ellen Ferriter Campbell on Facebook and we will accommodate you. You will be welcome if you just show up for events, but we will be better prepared if you register.  Come and join us! Drop in, register, and leave --or come and stay a while and visit.

Dinner and Art

6/19/2015 | 7:00 pm | Venue: Tig Áine Cafe

Donegal artist, Morgan Ferriter, will have some of his  'Wild Atlantic Way' art on display.  Morgan's family moved north to Donegal a few generations ago, but their family roots are in Ballyferriter. Morgan is dedicated not only to his art, but to his lovely family and also to the tradition of passing along family history and genealogy. He is also a talented musician. Come and meet Morgan and some other special guests as we enjoy a buffet meal and dessert. Áine Creed and her chefs are quite excellent, so the meal promises to be delicious. Seats for this event are to be purchased at registration. Beverages / wine/ alcohol are to be purchased separately. There will be space for 40 to have a wonderful meal, music, art, and company, while gazing at one of the most breathtaking panoramic views in the entire world.

Saturday, June 20

The Full Cedar Chest

6/20/2015 | 11:15 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

This talk--in two parts--is designed to give people a list of essential resources they should have at hand in order to become knowledgable about the Ferriter family history including both the legends and the historical facts. This includes a demonstration of essential books, documents, and ephemera one ought to own as well as a list of experiences one ought to have.  While not exhaustive, it provides a good foundation. Margaret will cover the essentials in the first half of her talk.   Beyond the essentials, there will be a list of additional items worthy of collecting or experiencing for those who wish to have a 'Full Cedar Chest' of Ferriter memorabilia and resources. These 'extras' will be covered in the second half of her talk at 11:30 this am.

Presented by: Margaret Ferriter Campbell

Saturday, June 20

Heraldry and the Ferriters

6/20/2015 | 9:30 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

A number of people believe they have a version of the Ferriter family Coat of Arms hanging on their walls. Yet, when one looks at the symbols, they are all different.  When going to a commercial Heraldry store, one may be sold a colorfully decorated piece of paper with symbols that are actually associated with families who are not Ferriters.  What's going on with the Ferriter Family Heraldry?  An overview of terminology and also current procedures related to the official recognition of Coats of Arms will be reviewed. This review will lay a foundation for understanding the situation with regards to heraldry as it exists for the Ferriters. Options will then be presented for either accepting or changing the current Ferriter Heraldry status.

Presented by: George Edmond Ferriter

Setting the Scene: Early Medieval Sites as they appeared on the Arrival of the Normans to Dingle

6/20/2015 | 10:45 AM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

People have been living on the Dingle Peninsula for at least the last 6000 years and we have evidence of this with sites dating from all periods of Irish prehistory. By the time the Normans came to the area, the people then living on the peninsula had experience many centuries of life as Christians, and have left behind many remains of their settlements, their monasteries and churches. They may certainly have been the victim of Viking raids, so the arrival of the Normans would have been only another wave of newcomers to the area. This illustrated talk will show and explain many of these early medieval sites.

Presented by: Isabel Bennett

Saturday, June 20

The Full Cedar Chest - Continued

6/20/2015 | 11:15 am | Venue: The Blasket Centre

This is the second half of the talk about necessary resources a Ferriter family researcher ought to have --with a focus on the 'extras' during this segment.

Presented by: Margaret Ferriter Campbell

Panel Discussion: Where Do We Go From Here?

6/20/2015 | 1:00 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

Speakers: George Ferriter, Jessica Clarkson, Padraig Ferriter and others. Topic:  Where Do We Go From Here: Transferring Knowledge of Family History and Genealogy to Future Generations in an age when Storytellers and Family Bible Records are Being Replaced by Technology and DNA Tests.

Presented by: George Edmond Ferriter

Saturday, June 20

Dinner and Pub night

6/20/2015 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM |

Have dinner with a smaller group of attendees at the event along with an Irish guest or two who can share their knowledge of the Ferriter Legacy and the History of the area.  Go to several pubs afterwards.

Sunday, June 21

Surprised by Ireland: Thin Places and Pilgrimage in the Dingle Peninsula

6/21/2015 | 9:00 am | Venue: Dunurlin Cemetery

In 2013 I traveled from Chicago with a group of friends on “a contemplative retreat to the thin places of Ireland.” I went ‘cuz my wife said “GO” and when we got to Dingle I barely even knew where we were. But when we arrived at the cliffs at Dun Chaoin a spiritual experience began, one that I had to build a whole new grid for. It transformed my conception of nature itself.

I discovered this is a common experience in Ireland and especially in County Kerry. For many, the Blaskets, Skelligs and Brandon are a place of pilgrimage. I’ll tell my story and explore the unique Celtic spiritual experience that so many have written about since the days of St. Brendan.

Presented by: Perry Marshall

Sunday, June 21

Ferriters and the American Civil War

6/21/2015 | 10:45 AM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

The American Civil War was a traumatic event that reverberates in the United States still today. The conflict began at the end of the first great wave of immigration to the United States from Ireland, and the documentary record provides the names of members of the Ferriter family who served on one side or the other during the war. These men were among the many tens of thousands of Irishmen who fought in this conflict. This talk will showcase these individuals, as placed in the context of their battle units and engagements, drawing a picture of the role the Irish played in this bloody war.

Presented by: George Edmond Ferriter

Sunday, June 21

Poems and Laments of Piaras Feiritear

6/21/2015 | 1:00 PM | Venue: The Blasket Centre

This talk by Piaras Ferriter, will be about the life and poetry of our famous forebear and the namesake of the speaker, Piaras FeiritËir.  Piaras' career as a soldier who fought bravely and died for his people will be reviewed. Piaras will recite in Gaelic and explain in English two of the well known poems of Piaras FeiritËir - a lament entitled  'Chuala sgËal do chËas ar lÚ mË ' and a love poem called 'Leig dot airm, a mhacaomh mhn‡'. The lament, 'Chuala sgËal do chËas ar lÚ mË', has been set to music and Piaras will sing this, accompanied on guitar by his son, Morgan.

Presented by: Piaras Ferriter