Robert Garret Farritor was born in Blossburg, Pennsylvania, February 2, 1846 to his Irish Immigrant Parents, John Ferriter and Honora Fitzgerald Ferriter of Ard Na Cainthne (Smerwick) Dingle Peninsula, County Kerry Ireland. Raised in Pennsylvania Coal Mining Country, he joined his Father and brothers in the coal mines at age 16. After the Civil War, his family relocated to Streator, Illinois, a new coal mining community in central Illinois. Determined to leave this dangerous occupation, he homesteaded in central Custer County Nebraska in 1879, along with his brothers and other immigrant families from County Kerry. Successfully enduring the natural and personal hardships of establishing a... Read More
The post below is from Robin Baldwin, of Creative Freedom. My "Inspiration Series" of paintings is definitely a personal favorite. This is a collection of portraits to honor the public figures that have most influenced and shaped the way I think about life, social issues and love. The series includes portraits of Musician/Singer India Arie,... Read More
Biography Born in Dublin 1971, Morgan Ferriter was raised in Donegal in the Northwest of Ireland, where he lives and works today. The subjects of his paintings are the Irish landscape, and street scenes of Galway City. He has also painted extensively in Canada and has exhibited there since 2002. Morgan is also a keen... Read More
The following is a message from Robin Baldwin, who will be one of our featured artists at the Ferriter Art Exhibition during our 2012 Gathering in Dingle, Ireland. Hello Family! My Ferriter roots begin with my beloved maternal grandmother, Maxine Ferriter. She always proudly told us stories about her travels to Ireland and instilled a... Read More
This website is dedicated to exploring the legacy of Pierce Ferriter, the warrior poet of Irish lore. As Ferriters, Feirtears, Farritors and Ferreters, we are proud to share this heritage, hailing from one of the most beautiful places in the world, and the westernmost point in Europe, the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland.
Visit our blog, which features stories from our past and our present, plan for the next family Gathering, and read what we're planning to do next.